Want to Consign?
Consign Furniture in Meridian, Idaho accepts furnishings and items that have very minimal wear and tear, are of good quality, come from non-smoking households, and items that are of a current style. In order to sell the items efficiently and effectively, they have to be of interest to a large number of our consumers. In general, if you objectively rate your item on a scale from 1 to 10, Consign Furniture accepts pieces with an 8, 9 or 10 quality rating.
- 1. Show us what you have! Please show us if there are any problems/damage or signs of wear. You can email pictures or bring pictures down to the store. consignfurnituremeridian@gmail.com
- 2. In order for final approval, the items need to be seen in person. You are welcome to bring them in Monday thru Saturday 10a-5:30p and Sunday 10a-4:30p or schedule a time for Consign Furniture to pick them up.
- 3. Your items will be priced with a high price and a low price that we will not sell below, (items can be sold at our discretion between those approved prices during the term of the contract).
- 4. You sign a 90 day contract with a 10 day grace period.
- 5. You will receive your check for sold items within 10 days after the expiration of the grace period date.